Sudoscan will be present at the 29th SFNP Days (Société Francophone du Nerf Périphérique)

Sudoscan is pleased to announce its participation in the 29th annual Journées de la SFNP (Société Francophone du Nerf Périphérique), which will take place on the 31st of January and 1st of February 2025. This year, it will be held in the Newcap Event Center in Paris, in collaboration with the Société Francophone d’Electroneuromyographie (SFENMG).

This Year’s Event Will Be Dynamic and Engaging

Every year, this event brings together some of the world’s leading researchers and healthcare practitioners who specialize in the study of the peripheral nervous system. This unique forum allows neurology experts and professionals to discuss the latest literature and advances in the field.

Across two full days, you will hear updates from industry leaders on the very best research, articles, and clinical studies in the field of neuroscience, as well as engaging talks from clinicians across various disciplines.

This year’s congress includes a special portion by the younger members of the SFNP, who will lead a session on the topic of dysautonomia and its role in neuropathies. The varied and dynamic selection of talks and symposiums also includes many occasions for young professionals to meet and engage with the leading experts, who will undoubtedly inspire this new generation of practitioners with their knowledge and insight.

The program will address the pathophysiology of CIDP, Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathies, and hereditary muscle dystrophies (dHMN), practical interventions, feedback sessions, as well as a selection of literature and clinical cases.

For information on the program, please consult it here:

Sudoscan Brings Innovation to the Detection of Small Fibre Neuropathies

At this year’s event, Sudoscan will be demonstrating its innovative device for the detection of small fiber neuropathies.

Sudoscan can evaluate the presence of small fiber neuropathies that can occur through many diseases and neurological problems. The device leads the way in neuropathy detection with speed and precision, carrying out tests in less than 3 minutes. It also is unrivaled by its continued accuracy, enabling practitioners to monitor the changes and evolution of a patient’s peripheral neuropathy over time. In this way, it can assist in the efficacy of treatment plans, leading to adaptive and optimized care.

We eagerly look forward to showcasing our innovative device at this year’s event and invite all attendees to visit our booth 6 and witness a live demonstration.


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