SUDOSCAN is a unique and innovative device. It’s a simple and non-invasive technology, able to detect and follow small fibers neuropathy that are usually not detected by the traditional tools.
How to use SUDOSCAN?
The device consists of a computer and 4 electrodes on which patients place their hands and bare feet. In less than 3 minutes, SUDOSCAN offers stimulation of the sweat glands that assess small nerve fibers (C fibers). This early detection improves disease management and helps to prevent severe complications associated with some diseases.
SUDOSCAN Principles
SUDOSCAN measures the ability of the sweat glands to release chloride ions in response to an electrical stimulus on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, areas with the highest sweat gland density.
The utility of SUDOSCAN has been demonstrated in:
- Neurology: for the assessment and follow-up of conditions such as neuropathic pain management, idiopathic neuropathies, Gougerot Sjögren, amyloidosis, Fabry disease etc.
- Diabetology: for the early detection of peripheral neuropathy and sweat gland dysfunction, useful for the prevention of diabetic foot complications.
- Oncology: for a quantitative assessment of chemotherapy-induced Neuropathy, allowing a better and informed decision.
- Follow-up: for patient management, longitudinal treatment follow-up and lifestyle interventions
A trusted technology
SUDOSCAN has similar results to reference tests such as: skin biopsy, QSART, or clinical scores like NIS-LL. The technology is backed by over 150 publications in international scientific journals.
The device is manufactured in France and the test is very sensible and highly reproducible.
SUDOSCAN is CE certified, cleared for use by the US FDA, and is registered and distributed in 34 countries with more than 5000 devices sold.
SUDOSCAN measures the ability of the sweat glands to release chloride ions in response to an electrical stimulus on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, areas with the highest sweat gland density:
Diabetes [Prevent and manage diabetes complications]
Diabetes complications
– SUDOSCAN efficacy in early detection of diabetic neuropathy has been demonstrated in several studies.
– SUDOSCAN also helps for a better management of diabetes complications such as diabetic foot and cardiac autonomic neuropathy and follow up disease progression.
> Find out more in our Sudoscan and Diabetes section.
Diseases with neurological complications
SUDOSCAN have been applied to several diseases with neurological complications, such as Hereditary amyloidosis, Idiopathic Neuropathies, Covid-19, Fabry disease, Parkinson’s disease, Autoimmune small fiber neuropathy, Fibromyalgia, Sjörgen’s syndrome, Pure autonomic failure, Hepatitis C.
>Find out more in our Sudoscan in neurology section.
Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy
SUDOSCAN can easily be performed in the Oncology department, before and after treatment for an optimal follow-up of patients of the Chemotherapy lnduced Polyneuropathy (CIPN). SUDOSCAN results are correlated to the Total Neuropathy Score (TNSc) clinical evaluation: reduced for TNSc > 6 population.
>Find out more in our Sudoscan in oncology section.
Monitoring of patient outcomes
Another key application of SUDOSCAN is patient management, longitudinal treatment follow-up and lifestyle impact. SUDOSCAN was used to evaluate the effect of physical activity on cardiovascular risk and metabolic diseases.
>Find out more in our Follow-up with Sudoscan section.
New Area Development
SUDOSCAN is involved in the European project e-PREDICE (Early Prevention of Diabetes Complications in people with hyperglycaemia in Europe). e-PREDICE aims at testing the long term efficacy of different therapeutic schemes for the early prevention of diabetic complications in people with hyperglycaemia currently under lifestyle intervention. This project involving 15 centers in Europe was developed in cooperation with Pr. Jaakko TUOMILEHTO.
SUDOSCAN test results can be used as indicators for patients at risk of autonomic dysfunction through the measurement of Electrochemical Skin Conductance (ESC) and the amount of observed asymmetry between the right and left side.
A test of the sudoral function
SUDOSCAN tests sweat gland function by applying a small direct current to both hand and foot sensor plates. At a low voltage, the stratum corneum acts as a capacitor, leaving the sweat ducts as the only channel for the transmission of Cl- ions.
SUDOSCAN provides a quantitative measure of chloride conductance (measured in microsiemens) and its results serve as a biomarker to assess sweat gland function in relation to sweat gland innervation.
What happens during a scan
During the scan, the device sends a small electrical current through the electrodes. This current is very small, under 4V, and not painful for the patient. This current is, though, considered very strong for the sweat glands. This forces them to react by releasing Chloride ions, naturally present in healthy sweat glands.
After 3 minutes, quantitative and objective results for both hands and both feet are displayed immediately to help evaluate the small C fibers. The test is a simple, fast and non-invasive way to detect Small Fiber Peripheral Autonomic Neuropathy.
Backed up by science
As the test is endorsed by worldwide key opinion leaders, the awareness about the technology is increasing quickly. SUDOSCAN is becoming a reference test in many countries. It has been namely included in different guidelines such as the European Network for TTR-FAP Amyloidosis, the German guidelines for Diabetes management or the Latin America Diabetes association. It is commercialized worldwide with more than 3000 devices sold. SUDOSCAN is CE certified, Cleared for use by the US FDA, and is registered and distributed in 34 countries.
How to use SUDOSCAN ?
SUDOSCAN is a test that provides an accurate evaluation of sweat function. The test focuses on small nerve fibers within the peripheral nervous system innervating the sweat glands.
The device consists of a computer and 4 electrodes on which patients place their hands and bare feet. In less than 3 minutes, SUDOSCAN offers a stimulation of the sweat glands that assess small nerve fibers (C fibers).
Simple results obtained in 3 minutes
- The results are displayed automatically.
- If the score is high, this indicates no sign of sudomotor dysfunction and no autonomic neuropathy.
- If the score is low, this indicates a sudomotor dysfunction and a neuropathy.
Easy to read results
The polarity of the stainless steel sensor plates is swapped during a scan to record individual right and left side conductance values. Patient results are displayed right after the end of the scan. The amount of observed asymmetry is an indicator of the type of peripheral neuropathy.
The physician can also display the follow-up over time curve of several SUDOSCAN scans.
SUDOSCAN results compared to Skin Biopsy and QSART
SUDOSCAN effectiveness have been compared to main small fiber neuropathy assessment technics in several scientific publications. G. Smith et al [1] have demonstrated SUDOSCAN’s diagnostic performance was comparable to Intraepidermal Nerve Fiber Density (IENFD) and QSART in detecting Neuropathy.
IENFD distal leg and foot QSART sweat volumes had similar area under the curve (AUC) to SUDOSCAN values (ESC).
IENFD: lntraepidermal Nerve Fiber Density from a skin biopsy
QSART: Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Testing- sudomotor function testing
Reference values assessed in large adult population
A large adult population have been tested for neuropathy with SUDOCAN [2]. Thereby reference values have been determined with three levels: Electrochemical skin conductance (ESC) zones for normal sudomotor function (green), moderate sudomotor dysfunction (yellow) and severe sudomotor dysfunction (red).
References:[1] Smith G et al. The diagnostic utility of Sudoscan for distal symmetric peripheral neuropathy. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. 2014;28(4):511-516.[2] Vinik AI, Nevoret ML, Casellini C . The New Age of Sudomotor Function Testing: A Sensitive and Specific Biomarker for Diagnosis, Estimation of Severity, Monitoring Progression, and Regression in Response to Intervention. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2015 Jun 11;6:94.
- No patient preparation
- Results in 3 minutes
- Easy-to-read critical data points to help physicians reach a diagnosis
- Non-invasive
- No fasting
- Easy to operate
- CE and FDA approvals
- Reproducible quantitative results
- Independent from environmental conditions
- Backed by evidence-based research
- 270 peer-reviewed journals publications