Asymptomatic conditions (3/9) – Dr Smirnoff, M.D., Neurologist –
Interview with Alexander J. Smirnoff, M.D., Smirnoff Neurology Center
Are there specific neurological conditions in which you have found Sudoscan to be most useful or most sensitive/accurate?
Dr Smirnoff, Board-certified Neurologist, Neurophysiology subspecialty:
“When SUDOSCAN presents evidence of small fiber or autonomic neuropathy that immediately triggers the laboratory work up. Because we all know that neuropathy is always caused by some medical condition. We know that neuropathies can be cause by sarcoidosis, amyloidosis, hepatitis C, cryoglobulin, anemia, autoimmune conditions, Sjögren disease for example so obviously we are obtaining laboratory work up trying to identify those conditions. Those conditions can be asymptomatic and the only presenting symptom is neuropathy or symptoms of autonomic dysfunctions by discovering those conditions we basically are frontiers we are the first physicians who gives a diagnosis and initiates proper treatment. ”
Disclosure: Dr. Smirnoff purchased the SUDOSCAN® device for clinical use within his Neurology practice approximately 2 years ago. There are no disclosures regarding any potential Conflict of Interest and/or Financial Interest with Impeto Medical. This video is an actual customer testimonial regarding the clinical utilization of the SUDSOCAN® device within their practice.