A multi-center study (3 hospitals: Bichat, La Pitié Salpêtrière, Bégin) completed in France established the link between the grade of diabetic foot risk and the decrease of Electrochemical Skin Conductance (ESC) measured with SUDOSCAN.
A poster has been presented at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) conference in September 2019 (1).
Percentage of neuropathies and severe neuropathies in patients with diabetes classified according to the gradation of diabetic foot risk.
Moreover, in a recent report, the French health department (HAS, Haute Autorité de Santé) has recommended that patients with diabetes be referred to podiatrists for prevention of foot lesions starting as soon as grade 1 foot risk (2).
(1) Travert F, Sollier M, Potier L, Bianchi L, Gubranski G, Debbah E, Garcia C, Kadouch D, Dolz M, Allain J, Hansel B, Marre M, Bordier L, Roussel R. Lesions of the small fibers of the autonomic nervous system and gradation of the diabetic foot risk in patients with diabetes. Poster EASD 2019.
(2) HAS Argumentaire. Évaluation des actes réalisés par le pédicure-podologue pour la prévention des lésions, des pieds à risque de grade 1, chez le patient diabétique. Actualisation de l’évaluation conduite en 2007. Décembre 2018.